Cure for Cancer using Natural Remedies

Vitamin B17, Apricot Seeds, Minerals, and More.

Herbal Remedies for Cancer

The difference between drugs and herbal remedies is that, even though some drugs are derived from herbs, the majority are synthetic and work against the body, while herbs work in concert with the body to balance and allow true healing to take place.

Many health care professionals treat symptoms and disease, rather than promote wellness.

The following are some herbals I know of. If you have a specific situation, I would be pleased to receive your email or phone call to discuss the custom preparation by a licensed herbalist.


A tincture is by definition “a solution of medicine in alcohol”, in this case 42-proof alcohol. This method is used because it is readily absorbed by the body, is an easy keeper, and has a long shelf-life. Tinctures use all of the properties of the herbs to support and benefit the body systems.

  1. BC-Tink-(Blood-Cleanser)With ariel parts of Chickweed, Fo-Ti, Icelandic Moss, Red Clover, & St.John’s Wort; w/ Burdock & Gentian Roots.
    To Support & Benefit the Circulatory System.
  2. “C”-Tink-(Food-based Vitamin C)With ariel parts of Chickweed & Parsley; w/ Green Pepper, Orange Peel, Rose Hips, & Honey.
    To Support & Benefit the Immune System.
  3. Cal-Tink-(Food-based Calcium)With ariel parts of Mullen, Plantain & Yarrow, w/ Rehmannia Root.
    To Support & Benefit the Structural System
  4. Diuretink- With ariel parts of Dandelion & Nettle; w/ Astragalus Root; Celery & Fennel Seeds; Juniper Berries, & Cranberries.
    To Support & Benefit theUrinary System.
  5. E’Celia Detox- With ariel parts of Sheep Sorrel, & w/ Burdock, Turkey Rhubarb & Marsh Mallow Roots.
    To Support & Benefit during Immune System Stress
  6. Fungaway- With ariel parts of Cornflower, Clove, Elder Flowers, & Golden Rod, w/ Honey, Myrrh Gum, & Pau D’ Arco Bark.
    To Support & Benefit the Immune System.
  7. Goutink- With ariel parts of Alfalfa, Burdock, Chickweed, Dandelion, Nettle, Red Clover, & Cloves.
    To Support & Benefit theDigestive & Circulatory Systems.
  8. Immutink- With ariel parts of Bonset, Coltsfoot, Nettle, & St. John’s Wort, w/ Pau D’ Arco Bark, Rose Hips & Honey.
    To Support & Benefit the Immune System.
  9. K-Tink -(Food-based Vitamin K)With ariel parts of Alfalfa, Broccoli, & Cauliflower.
    To Support & Benefit the Circulatory System.
  10. Lake Placid Tonic- With ariel parts of California Poppy,Hops, Lemon Balm, Passion Flower, Raspberry, & Skullcap, w/ Cinnamon, Crampbark, & Valerian Root.
    To Support & Benefit the Nervous System.
  11. Obesitink- With ariel parts of Mormon Tea, w/ Licorice Root, & White Willow Bark.
    To Support & Benefit the Glandular & Respiratory Systems.
  12. Para-mor-(Parasite Cleanse) With ariel parts of Thyme & Hyssop, w/ Black Walnut Hulls, Cramp Bark, Lemon Peel, Gentian Root, Fennel, Grape & Pumpkin Seeds; & Cloves.
    To Support & Benefit the Intestinal System.
  13. Pros-Tink-(Promotes Prostate Wellness) With ariel parts of Bonset, Nettle, Uva Ursi Leaves; Pumpkin Seeds; & Saw Palmetto Berries & Cranberries.
    To Support & Benefit the Urinary System.
  14. Respiratink- With ariel parts of Coltsfoot Leaf Elder Flower, Mullen, & Spearmint w/Fennel Seed; Orange Peel; & Pleurisy Root.
    To Support & Benefit the Respiratory System.
  15. Think-Tink- With ariel parts of Butcher’s Broom, Ginko, Gotu Kola,& Red Raspberry Leaf; w/ Hawthorn Berries.
    To Support & Benefit the Circulatory System.
  16. Liv-Tink-(Promotes Liver Wellness) With ariel parts of Chickweed, Dandelion, Fo Ti, Parsley, St. John’s Wort, & Peppermint; w/ Milk Thistle Seeds, & Rehmannia Root.
    To Support & Benefit theDigestive System.